

All posts are tagged with labels - you can also click on the Labels (on the right) to find your books.

Upper Secondary - Science, Maths

- All about Physics "O" Level

- Additional Mathematics 360

- New syllabus Mathematics 3 (ShingLee)- 7th edition - SOLD

- New syllabus Mathematics 3 - 6th edition -NA

Upper Secondary - History, Geography, Literature

Secondary 1

- Discovering Mathematics 1 - NA

- Earth our Home 1 - Geography

Geography skills for lower secondary

Social studies - Singapore from settlement to nation

- Animal Farm - Literature text

Chinese Story books for secondary level

- 中国十大名著 - 西游记 三国演义

- 最后一束康乃馨 The last carnation - NA

Other books and Magazines

Readers Digest - NA

Chinese Composition 小学 作文 - No longer available

意林 Yi Lin - SOLD

Story books for younger children

Horrible History - no longer available

Horrible Science - no longer available

Murderous Math - SOLD

Pokemon story books - SOLD

- Science Spy - SOLD

- Roald Dahl - SOLD



Statistics for Business and Economics - SOLD

- Thomas' Calculus - SOLD